Macau Post Fine-Printed Stamp Series

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Macau Post is going to issue a new fine-printed stamp series with gold foil designed and illustrated by principal Helena on 5/30

The stamp topic is “Classic Fables and Tales”for saluting the literature writers who wrote the legendary stories that teaches people of all ages about good lessons in life. Their writings are globally influential, and we all grow with them. The series include informational folder, souvenir sheet, first day cover envelopes, stamp spread and four stamps of legendary stories: Boy Who Cries Wolf, Red Riding Hood, Emperor’s New Clothes, The Happy Prince.

除了硬幣設計得被加拿大皇家鑄幣廠發行流通外, Joelle 過去數月亦獲得到很多寶貴及豐富的體驗, 如在台上發言,參與簽名活動, 認識很多對她愛護有加, 來自不同地方的嘉賓, 政府人仕及藝術設計者,到訪及旅遊很多有趣地方, 甚至被Richmond hill 市政府邀請作活動評判...實在難得的人生體驗! 現在跟大家分享一下她的圖片及頒獎影片!